All Words > Contradistinction

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Part of speech: noun

Origin: English, 17th century


Distinction made by contrasting the different qualities of two things.

Examples of Contradistinction in a sentence

"Porpoises and dolphins are so similar, they sometimes require contradistinction to highlight their differences."

"On Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day, we ate poutine and other Quebec foods in contradistinction to our usual meals."

About Contradistinction

“Contradistinction” combines the Latin prefix “contra-” (meaning “against”) with the Middle English term “distinction” (originally “distinccioun”). “Distinction” itself is related to the Latin “distinguo,” meaning “I distinguish.”

Did you Know?

“Contradiction” and “contradistinction” might be easily mistaken, but the different usages of the terms are notable. In “contradiction,” one factor denies or refutes another. In “contradistinction,” two factors are presented together so their differences may be discerned clearly. For example, seals and sea lions are easily confused animals. Only through contradistinction — considering the two species of animals together to identify how they differ from one another — is it possible to show one’s distinct differences from the other.

illustration Contradistinction

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