Part of speech: verb
Origin: Latin, late 18th century
Reach an optimum stage of development; blossom.
(Of a substance) Lose moisture and turn to a fine powder on exposure to air.
Examples of Effloresce in a sentence
"The song starts out slowly, but it will effloresce when you reach the chorus."
"Keep the package sealed until you’re ready to use it, because the contents will start to effloresce after it's opened."
About Effloresce
When this word is broken down into its Latin roots, one definition becomes quite clear. The prefix "e" means "out," and "florescere" means "begin to bloom." "Effloresce" is a figurative description of something developing and coming into maturity or peak performance.
Did you Know?
When using the second definition here of "effloresce," it has a specific chemical usage. When a substance effloresces upon contact with the air, it produces salt particles. "Effloresce" can also be used to describe rocks or brickwork with a salt content that crystallizes on the surface.