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Part of speech: adjective

Origin: English, 19th century


Notional. Existing as or based on a suggestion, estimate, or theory; not existing in reality.


Given to fanciful thinking or exaggerated imagination.

Examples of Notionate in a sentence

"Elves, gnomes, and fairies are all notionate, but many people are fascinated by them."

"My father claimed he’d been visited by gnomes, but he was a notionate fellow."

About Notionate

The term is a combination of the English word “notion,” from the Lation “nōtiō,” with the suffix “-ate,” with creates an adjective based on “notion.”

Did you Know?

“Notionate” has been overtaken in English by its synonym “notional,” and exists today mainly as a regional expression in the Southern U.S., Northern Ireland, and in Scotland. In nearly all contexts, the term has been used to describe a state of exaggerated imagination. For example, a person describing their grandfather as “old-fashioned and notionate” might be implying that the man is very superstitious and believes in ghosts, elves, or other notionate creatures.

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