All Words > Flocculent

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Part of speech: adjective

Origin: Latin, early 19th century


Having or resembling tufts of wool.


Having a loosely clumped texture.

Examples of Flocculent in a sentence

"The flocculent sheep were ready for their spring shearing."

"Your potting soil should be slightly damp and flocculent."

About Flocculent

If the word "flocculent" makes you think of a flock of sheep, you'd be correct. In Latin, "floccus" means "tuft of wool," so the adjective "flocculent" can apply to the woolly sheep themselves, or anything with a similarly tufted texture.

Did you Know?

The adjective "flocculent" describes a tufty texture, but there's also a noun, "flocculation." This chemical process occurs when clumps of a substance start to form. It's important for water-treatment processes and even beer brewing. Yeast flocculation is a vital step in brewing your favorite IPA.

illustration Flocculent

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