Part of speech: verb
Origin: Middle English, 15th century
Encourage and enliven (someone).
Examples of Inspirit in a sentence
"My puppy always inspirits me, no matter how stressful my day was."
"I tried to inspirit my sleep-deprived sister who had just had a baby, by giving her a break for a few afternoons."
About Inspirit
This word comes from the Middle English “inspiriten,” meaning “to stir (someone’s mind) into action.”
Did you Know?
The word “inspirit” has inspirited many people to incorporate it into their company names. There’s Inspirit AI, an artificial intelligence education program developed and taught by MIT and Stanford students; Inspirit Yoga Studio in Florida; the mystical Inspirit Crystals in Massachusetts; several retirement homes with the name Inspirit; and the Inspirit Foundation in Toronto, which promotes inclusion and pluralism through the arts.