Part of speech: adjective
Origin: Middle English, 15th century
Having a particular habit, activity, or interest that is long-established and unlikely to change.
Examples of Inveterate in a sentence
"After living in Washington, D.C for decades, Walt had an inveterate set of political beliefs."
"April had an inveterate longing for a lavish wedding."
About Inveterate
This word is Middle English, originating from the Latin “inveteratus.” This is from the past participle of “inveterare,” meaning “to age” (transitive verb).
Did you Know?
It’s easy to confuse “inveterate” with “invertebrate” because they look so similar at first glance. But while “inveterate” is an adjective that means deep-rooted, “invertebrate” describes any animal that has no backbone, like a mollusk or anthropod.